School Rules


Care, courtesy and respect for each other and property are gently but firmly demanded at Gnyan Dham School. Our rules are not stringent but are based on a common sense approach to working and living together throughout the school day. Our approach is to praise children for being good and reward them with encouragement rather than to concentrate attention on rule breakers. However, parents are informed whenever problems with discipline or behaviour are encountered. Through positive encouragement and reinforcement, we successfully maintain the good standard of behaviour for which Gnyan Dham School is well known. Although, when repeated rule breakers, defiant, insulting students or parents misbehave, stern action is perforce taken so that wrongdoing does not become precedence. The school is in such circumstances, forced to ask parents to withdraw their child in the larger interest of all children.

The Principal can, in the interest of the school and without assigning any reason, ask a parent to remove a ward, after three recorded warnings for their repeated bad behaviour at the end of the academic session / or with the immediate effect, should the ward's parent's conduct and misbehaviour in any way be detrimental to the discipline of the school or should she/he seem unable or unwilling to profit by the educational advantages of the school, the same treatment will be meted out to the ward. Our school is under CCTV surveillance.

The school uniform must be meticulous. If the students are not in full and proper uniform, they will not be allowed to attend school.

Leave of Absence: No child will be permitted to leave school early for any reason unless there is a written request to this effect from the parent.

Late Comers: All pupils must reach the school at least five minutes before the start of everyday. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their wards reach school in time. Frequent latecomers will be sent back home.

All pupils must be present in the school on the opening day of the school after the vacation. If a pupil is absent for a week without any reason, his/her name will be struck off the roll.

The school is indemnified against any casualty or accident involving a student/students.

Children without license will not be allowed to use scooters and bikes. Parents are advised to send their wards on bicycles rather than scooties & scooters.


Pupils must follow the school regulations regarding uniform during school hours and also when traveling to and from the school.
Students are expected to bring only prescribed textbooks & no other material such as sports equipment etc.
Pupils are expected to show courtesy and respect to all both in and out of school. They are expected to greet members of the staff and visitors to the school, to move aside on the staircase when a teacher passes by and to go in line from one part of the school to another.
Pupils must greet the teacher together on his/her entry and sit down only when told to do so. Text-books must be on the pupils' desk before the teacher enters the room.
Action will be taken against pupils who leave their books at home or bring the wrong books to school. This also applies to stationery that is required.
Running and shouting in the school corridors & class is not allowed.
Breakages must be reported to the class teacher, immediately.
No pupil can leave the school premises without informing the Principal/ Sr. Academic Supervisor.
Eating on the staircase and on verandahs is not allowed. Children should not be walking around and eating. We will not allow parents to give food to their ward once the school starts.
Care should be taken to keep the school premises clean.
Classrooms, in particular, should be kept clean and tidy.
When students enter the Principal's room with parents, they should stand and wait while parents talk.
Corrected exercise books should be seen regularly by parents & preserved till the year end when the students are promoted to the next class.


The school expects the co-operation of the parents to ensure that :
(a) Children come to school regularly, punctually and dressed neatly in proper uniform.
(b) That the children bring to school their books and note-books which should be properly maintained.
(c) That the children do their home-work regularly & independently.
(d) That the pupils do not go out for entertainments or parties during week days.
(e) Parents co-operate with the school in the best possible manner.
(f) Any parent found misbehaving with teachers, staff, Principal in any way detrimental to the image of the school, will be asked to withdraw his / her child at the end of the term without being assigned any reason or notice.
(g) Parents are free to give their suggestions in the interest of school's progress.


Parents are invited to meet the teachers and discuss their child's progress after every formative and summative assessment. The date of meeting and time will be intimated after each assessment.


10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. on all working days and any other time by prior appointment only. Parents are also requested not to contact the teachers directly regarding any problems, unless it is very urgent.


No child will be permitted to leave the school early for any reason, whatsoever. If doctor's appointments are necessarily to be taken on a weekday the child should not be sent to school.


The pupils should reach the school in time. They should be in school latest by 7.55 a.m., the gates will be closed at 8.00 a.m. when the assembly begins. No pupil will be allowed to enter the school compound, after the gates are closed. Late comers will have to go back home. Parents will be informed telephonically.


Leave application and medical certificate from Registered Practitioner should follow absence owing to sickness.


Please remember that promotion to the next class, 75% attendance is an essential criterion of CBSE. Absence from one or more subject involves the loss of grades for these subjects. We would not want any child to be detained but parents are requested to monitor their child’s progress regularly.


Wake up early & study for at least two-three hours in the morning before coming to school.
Be serious and sincere in your studies from the first day you join. Never leave your homework task for tomorrow. Set one place only for studying at home. There should be no distractions facing your study table.
Attempt the chapter/the subject you like the least first because you cannot escape it. Then the rest of the work would be easier.
Write your home tasks in your diary correctly and try your best to finish them in the time at your disposal.
Don't be afraid to ask questions, and ask teachers to clear doubts if you have any.
Whenever or wherever you find a topic or lesson difficult, consult your teacher / classmates.
If you have been absent for some lessons, try to make up for the absence by putting in extra hours of study.
If you have something to memorise, just do it before you go to sleep and then recall it again in the morning. Series of formulae can be memorised like this.
Learn to utilise your leisure period properly.
Please speak in English all the time in school since it is your medium of instruction. Check your classmates if they speak in other languages.
Read newspaper daily and update your General Knowledge.
Maintain a notebook and jot down significant events / information you have read about in the newspapers.
Take enough exercises in the morning and play games in the afternoon. Learning two games -one team game and one individual game is compulsory for all the students.
Keep a handkerchief in your shorts / trousers. Don't walk bare-footed.
Boys should keep their hair short and clean. Use oil to comb it properly. No fancy hair style
Pare (cut) your nails twice a week.
Polish your shoes daily.
Take pride in your dress and uniform.
Eat well, but don't over-eat. Don't be choosy while eating. Develop the habit of taking a balanced diet like pulses, green leaves and vegetables & other nutritious food provided in the dining hall. Don't waste food.
Don't bring junk food to eat in school, also avoid it as far as possible.
If you are not well, stay at home & rest. Show yourself to the Doctor and if in school, inform your class teacher or teacher in charge. Sitting in the classroom at the time of assembly or any other activities without informing the class teacher is not permitted.
I-Card - Identification card of every student is integral part of the school uniform
In every house activity, national holidays & house competition, children will wear House uniform


“Children Learn What They Live”
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those around them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Snacks and Drinks

The school is proud to be a “Healthy School”. The school provides purified drinking water through ROs installed at vantage points. The school discourages junk food regularly, aerated drinks and road side food eaten by children. Snacks is provided to students upto Class II. Optional Lunch / Brunch facility is available for higher classes in the school canteen.

Illness at School

The school ensures that every child's health record is maintained. Parents are encouraged to inform the school if their ward suffers from some ailments or disease needing attention now and again. In emergency, children are send to the neighbouring Rotary Hospital for treatment.


Medicines cannot be administered in school under any circumstances. A child who is unwell and on a course of medication should normally remain off school. If a child is well enough to attend, parents may visit school to administer the required dosage themselves. Inhalers can be brought to school, labelled with the child's name and can be kept in a safe place organised by the class teacher.


Children must not bring toys, games, valuables or money into school as they are distracting. Any undesirable material in possession by students will be confiscated in his/her own interest.

Commuting to the school

The school does not provide any transport facility for its students. Parents usually make suitable arrangement for their ward.

School Uniform

School uniform is compulsory. Our pupils are expected to wear school uniform and we seek the support and co-operation of our parents at all times adhering to rules. We believe it makes a real difference to the tone and atmosphere of our school if our pupils are neatly and appropriately dressed. Our pupils are expected to wear full uniform whenever in school, or on school missions.

Communicating with Each Other

Gnyan Dham School prides itself on being a school which gives high priority to communicating effectively with parents and the wider community.

Information from School to Parents

We communicate with parents by individual or general letter, by telephone or in person dependent upon the nature of the information. Letters can be from the Principal or the class teachers.

Letters / Emails / telephone calls from class teachers
Reports to parents about child's progress
Letters / Emails / Telephone calls to parents about issues and problems
Notices and circulars to parents
Bulk SMS to registered mobile number of parent
Emailing messages at short notice
Google Classroom is also used extensively by teachers to send syllabuses, worksheets, homework, sample papers, notices etc. directly to his/her students.

Information from Parents to School

There are times when parents need to communicate with school if:-

Your child is going to be absent for a reason other than illness
You require your child to leave school early
You have important information for the teacher regarding your child

It would be appreciated if parents avoid taking leave for the child during school working days. Parents can communicate with us by letter, email, by telephone or in person at the school during school working hours. (Tel. No.: 0260-2991947 / 9909995853, E-mail:


Gnyan Dham School is known for its friendly, approachable and caring staff. Teachers are happy to discuss children's progress, achievements, strengths and areas which need attention. If you have a concern or a complaint, discuss it with your child's class teacher first if appropriate. Discuss it with the Principal or Academic Supervisor if it does not involve the class teacher or if you have discussed it with the class teacher and are not satisfied with the result.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism Committee:

Mr. Praveen Subramanian Vice-Principal
Mrs. Amrutha Ajayakumar Senior teacher
Dr. Jaspreetkaur Rajani School Doctor
Dr. Manpreetkaur Patel School Doctor
Mrs. Mumtaz S. Virani  Counsellor
Mrs. Rohinton Doctor  Parent
Mr. Rishi Pathania SMC Member
Ms. Rashmikaben Mehta Advocate
Faizah Mahendi Nawaz Kureshi School Head Girl
Yashas Rahul Jhunjhunwala School Head Boy

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Committee:

Mrs. Achala Joshi Principal
Mr. Pramod  Parihar Sports teacher
Mrs. Mitali M Desai Sports teacher
Dhruti Sanjay Vashi School Sports  Captain - Girl
Ubaiz Parvez Makrani  School Sports Captain –  Boy
Mrs. Mumtaz S. Virani Counsellor
Mrs. Sandhya Tiwari PGT (Psychology)
Ms. Rashmikaben Mehta Advocate
Major Gen. Bhutia Principal of Nursing College, GIDC,Vapi
Mrs. Thejaswini M. Kamath Office Staff

The Sexual Harrassment of Women at Workplace:

Mrs. Mumtaz Virani Counsellor
Mrs. Snehal S. Joshi PGT (Accountancy)
Mrs. Shehnaz K Noorani Social-Worker
Dr. Jaspreetkaur Rajani Gynecologist
Mr. Chirag Pravin Patel NGO  President
I Dream About Foundation    

Nearby School Principals for Nomination as CBSE Nominee:

1. Mr. A.K. Mishra, Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Tokarkada, Silvassa.
2. Mr. Jagdish, Principal, Jawahar Navodya Vidyalaya, Sili, Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
3. Mrs. Nivedita Srivastava, Principal, Shree L G Haria Multipurpose School, Haria Park, Dungra, Vapi.
4. Mr. Ajit Hukkerikar, Principal, Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul, Chala, Vapi.
5. Mrs. Tejasvini Katdare, Principal, Saraswati International School, Abrama, Valsad.